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Our Story

Our coffees are pure organic and do not require the use of chemicals and insecticides.

We use quality preservation of stored organic commodities for preventing the growth of fungal contaminants. This contributes to the improvement of public health.


Our Coffee Received regional & Nation Awards & Recognitions at different times

The Founder, GM

History | Seenaa

He was born in 1968, in Bale Zone, Nansebo Wareda, Gerembamo kebele. His educational background is BA from Jimma University, Masters of Law from Hawassa University & Masters of Business Administration from Ethiopian Adventist College.
He has worked in government institutions for over 19 years, and have served as a judge.

Based on his grandparents successful stories in farm other crops (maize, enst or koco and wheat) and a dairy farm, he founded Coffee exporting company now.
Even though Coffee farming, in our area, was not known for long years, He observed that coffee was farmed in the neighboring area, in Sidama (a well-known coffee growing area) – and His parents bought the coffee from there and drank a lot. It was very tasty and very interesting. So, He studied the topography and altitude of Kokosa and observed that it was very similar to Sidama’s. In 2005, He decided to introduce coffee to Kokosa Ararso kebele and brought coffee seedlings from Sidama and started my own coffee farm in my backyard. People came over and started to learn about coffee farming and took on the practice. Now His farm on 11 hectares of land and have become a full fledge coffee farmer.

Mr. Berhanu Teklu Meribo

General Manager

An outstanding Professional in Law, Administration, Coffee Marketing and Production, with more than 24 years of experience including Expert with international Market. A Professional in coffee production, processing, sales, & business advisor.

Now, As the largest producer and exporter of coffee in Ethiopia, Berhanu Speciality Coffee(Berhanu Teklu Meribo) has a proud history of providing quality coffees to the local and international markets.
Founded on the principles of bringing fairness and transparency to the coffee value chain while satisfying customer demand, a company with heart and vision.

Berhanu Speciality Coffee(Berhanu Teklu Meribo) privately owned & specializes variety of Coffee farm land and sourced from West Arsi, Arsi, Bale, Guji and Sidama, names that epitomize fine Arabica coffee. Since its inception last 15 years, Berhanu Specialty Coffee has established a track record of fair trading and excellent customer service.

WINNER! - Cup of Excellence - Ethiopia - 2020

Birhanu Teklu Meribo from West Arsi, Kokosa woreda, Oromia region, started producing coffee in 2005. He collects 20,000 kilograms of red cherry annually from his 11 hectares, which he processes into both washed and dry natural coffee. His coffee lot scored 89.86, securing fourth place in the Cup of Excellence Ethiopia competition.
“I am very excited that my coffee will be exhibited on the international market, and hope to receive a better price that will compensate my effort,” he said.
  • Name: Birhanu Teklu Meribo

  • Location: West Arsi, Oromia

  • Score: 89.96

  • Auction price: $40.40/lb

  • Buyer: Coffee Libre (South Korea)

Our Experienced Experts

Berhanu Teklu
Berhanu Teklu

General Manager

Arerso Teklu
Arerso Teklu

Production Manager
